About Mardi Gras

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Mardi Gras By Numbers

We think numbers tells a better story than words

Full-size floats
will featured in Mardi-Gras this year

Number of Parades
that have taken place in New Orleans since 1857


Number of visitors
per day during Mardi Gras every year

The History

About Mardi Gras

Mardi Gras is so much more special when you understand what you’re celebrating and what each tradition means to the generations of parade-goers who have stood on parade routes before you. There is a story and a purpose behind everything you’ll experience during Carnival Time – from the king cake you’ll eat to the flambeaux who light the parades at night.

The First Mardi Gras took place on March 3, 1699, when French explorers Pierre Le Moyne d’Iberville and Sieur de Bienville landed near present-day New Orleans, Louisiana. They held a small celebration and dubbed their landing spot Point du Mardi Gras..
In the decades that followed, New Orleans and other French settlements began marking the holiday with street parties, masked balls and lavish dinners. When the Spanish took control of New Orleans, however, they abolished these rowdy rituals, and the bans remained in force until Louisiana became a U.S. state in 1812.

Did you know?

5 Fun Facts About Mardi-Gras


Mardi Gras in French is for "Fat Tuesday", is also known as "Shrove Tuesday"


The Colors of Mardi Gras are unique and special. they are purple (justice), gold (power) and green (faith)


"Laissez les bon temps rouler" is the official greeting of Mardi Gras. say it to your friends!


It’s illegal to not wear a mask onboard a float. So if you've got a chance, wear it. not beacuse it's just fot fun!


Krewes is the New Orleans clubs that organize the festivities was coined by The Mystick Krewe of Comus

The Mayor of New Orleans

LaToya Cantrell

LaToya Cantrell (née Wilder; born April 3, 1972) is an American politician serving as the Mayor of New Orleans, Louisiana since May 7, 2018. A Democrat, Cantrell is the first woman to hold the office. Before becoming mayor, Cantrell represented District B on the New Orleans City Council from 2012–2018.

What Is Mardi Gras?

Mardi Gras is a tradition that dates back thousands of years to pagan celebrations of spring and fertility, including the raucous Roman festivals of Saturnalia and Lupercalia.
When Christianity arrived in Rome, religious leaders decided to incorporate these popular local traditions into the new faith, an easier task than abolishing them altogether.
As a result, the excess and debauchery of the Mardi Gras season became a prelude to Lent, the 40 days of fasting and penance between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday.
Along with Christianity, Mardi Gras spread from Rome to other European countries, including France, Germany, Spain and England.

Who organizes Mardi Gras?

Krewes are private, non-profit organizations whose members get together year-round to plan their parade's theme, costumes and throws, according to Mardi Gras New Orleans. They are individually funded by members through dues, sales of krewe-related merchandise and fundraising, including corporate sponsorships. The city of New Orleans is not involved in coordinating Mardi Gras parades; its only involvement is to issue parade permits.

When is Mardi Gras?

Mardi Gras is traditionally celebrated on “Fat Tuesday,” the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. In many areas, however, Mardi Gras has evolved into a week-long festival.
Mardi Gras 2023 falls on Tuesday, February 21